The World of Bambíno

“Big Activities for Little People”
Our educational programme is designed to teach children skills they will use throughout their lives. The goal is to let children try as many things as possible on their own, to experience them with all their senses, and to learn from them. This is why we have dedicated spaces for children to participate in various activities. They may care for plants and animals, cook in our kitchen, make ceramics, develop musical abilities, participate in sports outside or in the gym, and work with digital education technologies. They can also learn to relax, as we have our own on-premises sauna.

Our kindergarten takes care of your children, treating them as if they were our own. We celebrate their achievements, happiness, and warmth. We strive to find each child’s potential and develop it. Together we learn, play, conduct experiments, and support and love each other while also looking for and setting boundaries. And while we are developing children, we are also developing our own skills and abilities in children’s support and development.

Well-Balanced Child Development
We pay attention to the development of numerous skills: hearing, vision, language, pre-mathematical, pre-reading, and motor skills. We also place a focus on emotional intelligence, social skills, fantasy, and empathy. We don’t forget that our children are in kindergarten, so we play and laugh together, sharing both happy and sad moments while growing together.

Preparation for Primary School
From when a child is four years of age, we start focusing on preparing the child for enrolment into primary school. During this preparation we focus on the development of key competencies to facilitate the start of both primary school and those schools further along in the child’s education. Our logopaedists and child development experts work with pre-preschool children and preschool children throughout the entire year.

Extra activities
Beyond the standard curriculum, we also offer the opportunity to enrol children into additional afternoon clubs on the Bambíno premises. Children may go to school outdoors in nature twice a year, take part in a week-long cycling, in-line skating, skating or dance course led by external lecturers, or take part in a sleepover at the school with friends and teachers.

An English Language Education
In groups of children over the age of two, they are introduced to the English language throughout the day. As part of the programme, they hear and use both languages. This not only helps them learn the languages but also fosters a positive relationship with them, making them a natural means of communication.
We are an international kindergarten where different cultures, languages, habits, and understandings meet. We prepare a programme for our children that helps them get to know diversity, multiculturality, respect, and inspiration. External experts including parents and relatives are involved in various projects.
Bambíno has branches in Dejvice and Vinohrady, both in beautiful buildings with gardens.
Weather permitting, children spend a part of every day outdoors, either in the garden or on a field trip. The building’s internal spaces offer various rooms adapted for specific activities: a ceramics room, a gym, a room with an interactive activity board, a music room, a sauna, and a kitchen.

Our Garden
Our school features a large garden with lots of foliage including big trees that provide shade, monkey bars for everyday play, mist showers for summer refreshment, and a little hill for sledding during the winter. In Dejvice, we keep one Cameroonian and two Dutch goats in our garden. and take care of them together with the children. In Vinohrady, a mud kitchen is available for children to use.
The majority of the garden’s surface is covered with a special material for softer landings. There are also sandpits, slides, swings, and sports equipment to use, including small motorbikes.
Taiji is a combination of exercise and painting. It develops the motor skills of pre-preschoolers and prepares them for writing while at school. This method uses spontaneous physical movement of children, and cultivates it by adding exercise with Taiji elements. It is enhanced by the use of water painting. In this way, writing becomes a conscious act of movement.
Logic Games
Logic games are focused on building pre-mathematical skills. Thanks to these games, we can learn and use spatial orientation, geometric shapes, sight and hearing memory and differentiation, drawing, categorisation, estimation, anticipation, fantasy, and time orientation. In preparation, we consider the connection to the classic method of teaching mathematics in primary schools as well as Hejný’s teaching method.
Drama Class
Drama class at Bambíno is a fun space to express emotions and creative ideas as well as a time when we develop pre-reading skills, cooperation, individuality, auditory memory, language and expression skills, and musical ear and rhythm. We study poems, bring stories to life, play in a band, pantomime, roleplay, rehearse scenes, and play games about something or nothing. We always find time for applause and feedback.
Movement Preparation for Kindergarten, Pre-Preschoolers, and Preschoolers. It's not just about moving, but about moving in a healthy way. We're talking about children, and our goal is meaningful and effective movement that not only brings joy but also aligns with the physiological development of children. Hýbánky includes carefully thought-out body strengthening exercises that are safe for every age group of your/our children, story-based exercises with elements of children's yoga, and dance. Throughout Hýbánky, we will be guided by animals.
Logic Games
Logic games are focused on building pre-mathematical skills. Thanks to these games, we can learn and use spatial orientation, geometric shapes, sight and hearing memory and differentiation, drawing, categorisation, estimation, anticipation, fantasy, and time orientation. In preparation, we consider the connection to the classic method of teaching mathematics in primary schools as well as Hejný’s teaching method.
Jolly Phonics
Jolly Phonics is an internationally-recognised method for learning to read and write in the English language. Thanks to movements, songs, stories, and pictures, children learn English phones and their correct pronunciation. Reading and writing in the Czech educational system is only taught in primary schools; therefore, in Jolly Phonics we focus on the sound of English phones that will later facilitate reading and writing in English.
The Valley of Shapes Method
The Valley of Shapes Method focuses on the development of hearing, vision, and motor skills. It is a proven initial stage of learning to read and write. We exercise the entire body, including arms and hands. We learn the correct way to grip a pen and sit at a table, as well as the left-right orientation and the coordination of both brain hemispheres. We always work with new graphic signs and learn to draw correctly in both small and large formats. The graphic signs are the cornerstones for the future writing of letters and numbers at school.
The World of Words
The World of Words is ruled by Queen Graphia who, with her helpers, manages all sounds, words, and letters. Her helps include Master Syllabus, Master Longitude, and Phoic the fairy. Her cheeky friends include Bacillus Mistake and two Phonic Eaters. Together with their friends, children solve sound riddles and make words from sounds, phonics, and pictures. Thanks to these activities, preschoolers activate their speech readiness, practising auditory perception and differentiation, phonological manipulation, pronunciation, and analysis and synthesis of words. These activities comprehensively prepare the children for reading and writing.
Zipy’s friends
Zipy’s Friends is a methodology focused on the development of strategies for managing difficult life situations and the development of motor skills. Topically, it is focused on emotions, communication, life changes, relationships, the prevention of bullying, and change and loss management. It uses communication, games, painting activities, and roleplaying to find individual ways to solve daily problems. It teaches children to find an acceptable solution based on two basic criteria: a good solution will help me feel better while at the same time not harming myself or anyone else.
Drama Class
Drama education at Bambíno is a fun space to express emotions and creative ideas as well as a time when we develop pre-reading skills, cooperation, individuality, auditory memory, language and expression skills, and musical ear and rhythm. We study poems, bring stories to life, play in a band, pantomime, roleplay, rehearse scenes, and play games about something or nothing. We always find time for applause and feedback.
Movement Preparation for Kindergarten, Pre-Preschoolers, and Preschoolers. It's not just about moving, but about moving in a healthy way. We're talking about children, and our goal is meaningful and effective movement that not only brings joy but also aligns with the physiological development of children. Hýbánky includes carefully thought-out body strengthening exercises that are safe for every age group of your/our children, story-based exercises with elements of children's yoga, and dance. Throughout Hýbánky, we will be guided by animals.
Visit Our School
Please send an email to or, or leave your contact information below, and we will contact you to arrange a school visit.

Mateřská škola Bambíno
České družiny 9, Praha 6
Mateřská škola Bambíno
Šrobárova 14, Praha 10